How Big is your Baby in your belly?
Wondering about your baby size in the womb and how the growth of your child is going on in your belly?
Here you can find week by week the average size and average weight of your baby. Not sure if you are pregnant. Check here. If you know when you ovulate, you can increase your chances of becoming pregnant.
Your belly is changing and you too!
Cherish your body
Your belly make place for your baby
Signs and symptoms
Breast pain!
Morning Sickness
You feel your growing uterus
The heart beat!
From burdens and lusts
From a smile to tears with spouts
From embryo to fetus!
HCG makes way for progesterone
The abdominal muscles take place
Butt Pain During Pregnancy
Emerging stomach acid is very normal.
That butterfly in your belly is your baby!
Strong belly?
More often to the midwife
Your dreams are intense
Week 37-40 – Cushion
Average size: 45-50 cm
Average weight: 2800-4000 gr